Den rådgivende komite
Stiftelsen har en egen rådgivende komite som består av en rekke eksperter innenfor ulike forskningsområder. Det er den rådgivende komiteen som står bak det omfattende arbeidet det er å vurdere, prioritere og anbefale alle søknadene som kommer inn fra forskere i inn- og utland.
Den rådgivende komiteen går gjennom alle søknader og vurderer dem etter fastsatte regler. Deretter gir de sine anbefalinger om hvilke prosjekter de mener fortjener støtte innenfor de finansielle rammene stiftelsen har. Til slutt er det stiftelsens styre som tar den endelige beslutningen om hvilke prosjekter som mottar støtte.
Her kan du lese mer om hvilke medlemmer den rådgivende komiteen består av:

Professor John Wilding
John Wilding leads Clinical Research into Obesity, Diabetes and Endocrinology at the University of Liverpool. He is an Associate Editor of Diabetic Medicine, and chairs the National Clinical Research Network Metabolic and Endocrine Speciality Group.

Dr Ola Hansson
Ola Hansson has a basic education in biology and received his PhD in experimental diabetes research in 2005. He is since 2013 associate professor of functional genomics, currently heading the research unit Genomics, Diabetes and Endocrinology at Lund university, Sweden.

Professor Paul Johnson
Paul is Professor of Paediatric Surgery at the University of Oxford and Director of the Oxford Human Islet Isolation and Clinical Islet Transplant Programs. He is also Clinical Lead for the NHS Thames Valleyand Wessex Surgery in Children Operational Delivery Network (ODN) and Academic Training Program Director for the Oxford University Clinical Academic Graduate School (OUCAGS).

Professor Patrik Rorsman
Patrik Rorsman is Professor of Diabetic Medicine at the University of Oxford. He has worked extensively on the physiology of the pancreatic islets. His research focuses on the physiological regulation of insulin, glucagon and somatostatin secretion, how these processes become disrupted in type-1 and typoe-2 diabetes and whether they can be targeted by pharmacological interventions.

Dr Nils Wierup
Nils Wierup is professor in cell biology at Lund University Diabetes Centre. He is vice coordinator of LUDC and is head of the research group Neuroendocrine cell biology. His research is focused on islet biology and gastro-intestinal endocrinology and how islet and enteroendocrine cells are affected in Type 2 diabetes, with the aim of identifying targetable disease mechanisms.

Dr Hanne Scholz
Dr. Hanne Scholz is a main principle investigator at the Transplant Unit, Oslo University Hospital and at the Hybrid Technology Hub at the University in Oslo.

Dr James Cantley
James Cantley is a Reader at the University of Dundee, where he holds a Senior Research Fellowship from the Steve Morgan Foundation Type 1 Diabetes Grand Challenge. His research is focused on investigating pancreatic beta cell function and insulin secretion in the context of type 1 and type 2 diabetes, working at the interface of biochemistry, cell biology and metabolic physiology.

Dr Janaka Karalliedde
Dr Karalliedde is a Clinical Reader in Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease in the School of Cardiovascular Medicine & Sciences at King’s College London and Consultant Physician in Diabetes and Endocrinology and Internal Medicine at Guy’s and St Thomas Hospital London. He graduated with a distinction in medicine from the University of London.

Professor Duan Chen
Duan Chen (MD, PhD) is Principal Investigator of Research Group of Experimental Surgery and Pharmacology at Department of Clinical and Molecular Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). He graduated from University of Lund, Sweden and is a Professor of Medicine (Experimental Surgery) at NTNU. He is member of the Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences and the Royal Norwegian Academy of Science.

Dr Jakob Grunnet Knudsen
Jakob G Knudsen is an assistant professor at the University of Copenhagen. His research focuses on basic alpha cell function and glucagon biology and how these processes become disrupted with metabolic disease and contribute to the development of diabetes.

Dr Craig Beall
Craig and his team are interested in brain control of glucose levels, the impact of diabetes on the brain and how different organs sense and respond to changes in glucose levels. The team study cellular signalling mechanisms, intercellular and interorgan communication using physiology, metabolic and pharmacological studies. He is based at the Exeter Centre for Excellence in Diabetes research (EXCEED) at the University of Exeter, United Kingdom.

Dr Catherine Arden
Catherine Arden is a lecturer working within the Biosciences Institute at Newcastle University. The research within her group focuses on understanding the critical mechanisms involved in maintaining functional pancreatic islets. She is particularly interested in stress-response mechanisms, such as autophagy and oxidative stress, and how these pathways impact on beta-cell function and survival.

Dr Astrid Hauge-Evans
Astrid Hauge-Evans is a senior lecturer at University of Roehampton, London, UK. She is currently a Principal Investigator in the Centre for Integrated Research in Life and Health Sciences at the University of Roehampton. Her research focuses on the regulation of insulin secretion and cell survival in the pancreatic islet with implications for the development and prevention of type 2 diabetes.

Dr Rita Forde
Dr Rita Forde is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Nursing and Midwifery at University College Cork, Ireland. Rita has clinical and research diabetes nursing expertise. Her previous published studies include using co-design, qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches, and developing and evaluating complex interventions for people living with diabetes.

Professor Ingrid Wernstedt Asterholm
Ingrid Wernstedt Asterholm is Professor in Physiology at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Her research focuses on mechanisms regulating adipose tissue functionality and how these local adipose tissue processes affect whole-body metabolism.

Dr Quan Zhang
Quan Zhang, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Endocrine Cell Physiology at the University of Oxford and an Assistant Researcher at the University of Coimbra in Portugal. As an electrophysiologist, his research centers on the physiological regulation of insulin, glucagon, and somatostatin secretion, with a particular focus on how these processes are disrupted in type-1 and type-2 diabetes and their potential for pharmacological intervention.

Professor Jonas Treebak
Jonas Treebak is a physiologist studying molecular metabolism in humans and rodent models of metabolic disease. He obtained his PhD in skeletal muscle metabolism from University of Copenhagen, Denmark in 2009, and in 2011 he was appointed Group Leader at the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research (CBMR),
Tidligere medlemmer i den rådgivende komiteen:
Dr Elisabeth Qvigstad
Professor Holger Luthman
Professor Bryndis Birnir
Professor Romain Barrès
Professor Johan Gunnar Eriksson
Professor Torben Hansen
Professor Mikael Rydén
Professor Valeriya Lyssenko
Dr Nicholas Timpson
Dr Mike Weedon
Professor Unn-Britt Johansson
Professor Paul Franks
Professor Jan Eriksson
Professor Marja-Riita Taskinen
Professor Christian Berne
Professor Paul Johnson
Dr Julian Paul Hamilton-Shield
Professor Ulf Smith
Dr Leif Groop
Professor Gunilla Westermark
Professor Bente Karlund-Pedersen
Professor Kristian Folkvord
Professor Timo Otonkoski
Professor Kåre Birkeland
Professor Paul Squires